


In Dynamics 365, when errors occur in the product, users have the option to send error reports to Microsoft about the error.

The error report will contain data that can help Microsoft fix these problems and improve the products and services.

A pop-up will be displayed to the user that will be able to select the needed option
Send error report 1

In this post, we will see how to turn off sending error reports to Microsoft.

In order to change the error reporting preferences, you can follow the below steps
  1. Open the Power Platform admin center and go to Environments
  2. In the list of Environments, select the specific environment and open the Settings
    Send error report 2

  3. In the Settings page, under the Product settings section, click Privacy + Security
    Send error report 3

  4. In the Privacy Preference page, under the section Default action to take when an error occurs, select the option Never send an error report to Microsoft
    Send error report 4
  5. Click Save to apply your changes

Hope This Helps!
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Dynamics 365 Education and Knowledge

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