


If you're looking to dynamically select one or more options in the multiselect option set field of Dynamics 365 using C#, this tutorial is for you. First, you'll need to use the OptionSetValueCollection to hold the options you want to set. You can add the desired options by following the code snippet below:

OptionSetValueCollection osvc = new OptionSetValueCollection();

osvc.Add(new OptionSetValue(<integerValueOptionSet>));

Once you have added the needed options to the OptionSetValueCollection, you can then add it to the list of attributes of the entity record. This will allow you to dynamically select multiple options for the given field.

This tutorial is a valuable resource for developers using Dynamics 365 who want to improve their ability to manipulate multiselect option set fields using C#.

Hope This Helps!

Link to the original post: https://charlesabikhirs.blogspot.com/2023/02/set-dynamics-365-multiselect-optionset.html

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