
Showing indirectly related records in the form’s grid

Showing indirectly related records in the form’s grid

If you're struggling with how to show records that are not directly related to the current one in a form's grid, this post is for you. The author shares two ways to achieve this, depending on the scenario.

The first way is a no-code approach, but it has some limitations in terms of what you can do.

The second way involves some coding and is more flexible, allowing for more possibilities and scenarios.

So if you're looking for a solution to display indirectly related records in a form's grid, this post by Andrew Butenko gives you some practical options to consider.

The post Showing indirectly related records in the form’s grid originally appeared on Andrew Butenko's Blog.

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Andrew Butenko's Blog – All I want to share about Development/Customization for Dataverse
Andrew Butenko's Blog – All I want to share about Development/Customization for Dataverse

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