
Applying UCI styling to a FluentUI Dropdown Component

Applying UCI styling to a FluentUI Dropdown Component

In this blog post, the focus is on styling the FluentUI Dropdown component to blend in with UCI's native interface. The author compares the uncustomized and UCI controls side-by-side in both enabled and disabled states to showcase the difference.

The dropdown control is now known as "Choice" in Dataverse, and this tutorial outlines how to apply UCI styling to it. By following the guide, you'll be able to create a dropdown component that not only matches the native interface but is also enabled and disabled properly.

If you're looking to make your FluentUI controls look more at home in the UCI interface, this blog post is a must-read. The author provides comprehensive guidance on styling the dropdown component, making it a valuable resource for anyone working with UCI.

Visit Andrew Butenko's Blog to read the full post.

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Andrew Butenko's Blog – All I want to share about Development/Customization for Dataverse
Andrew Butenko's Blog – All I want to share about Development/Customization for Dataverse

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