
Applying UCI Styling to a FluentUI TextField component

Applying UCI Styling to a FluentUI TextField component

If you work with Business Applications or Dynamics CRM/Dynamics 365 for CE/Dataverse, the year 2008 may ring a bell. Back then, the “UI Style Guide” documentation shipped as a part of SDK impressed many people, myself included. Detailed recommendations on customizing the UI, along with sample code snippets, were included in the documentation.

In this blog post, Andrew Butenko shares his experience in applying the User Interface (UI) Customization Interface (UCI) styling to a TextField component in the FluentUI library. The post walks you through the step-by-step process of making the text field component in your app match the recommended look and feel from the UCI.

Whether you're a seasoned Dynamics CRM/Dynamics 365 developer or just starting, this post provides valuable insights on how to achieve a consistent UI design.

Check out the blog post on Andrew Butenko's Blog to learn more.

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Andrew Butenko's Blog – All I want to share about Development/Customization for Dataverse
Andrew Butenko's Blog – All I want to share about Development/Customization for Dataverse

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