Applying UCI Styling to a FluentUI DatePicker component

If you're a fan of the native UCI controls, but also want to enjoy the functionality of FluentUI DatePicker components, this article offers a solution. The post walks you through the process of applying UCI styling to a FluentUI DatePicker in a step-by-step approach.
The author intended to create a series of posts about styling of FluentUI controls back in February, and was able to share a post about the styling of text fields. However, due to time constraints, this is the first post about DatePicker styling. By applying the techniques described in this article, the DatePicker component can be transformed to resemble the look of the UCI DatePicker.
If you want to achieve a cohesive and consistent look and feel across your application, this tutorial can help you accomplish that goal.
The post Applying UCI Styling to a FluentUI DatePicker component appeared first on Andrew Butenko's Blog.
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