Maximizing Call Quality Surveys with Omnichannel | Customer Service

Omnichannel for Customer Service just introduced a new feature that allows the collection of feedback from agents on call quality. In this post, you'll get the lowdown on what this feature entails.
The feature aims to help businesses gain insights into call quality by asking agents to rate the quality of the calls. The survey questions are easily customizable, and the feedback data can be analysed to improve customer service.
This new feature is a great addition to Omnichannel for Customer Service for businesses with a focus on optimizing customer satisfaction and improving call quality standards. The survey offers a quick and easy way to gather detailed feedback from agents about call experiences, which can be used to fine-tune agent training or identify the need for infrastructure upgrades.
If you're looking to enhance the quality of your customer service, this new feature is definitely worth exploring.
You can read more about it in this post:
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