
Try the agent call quality survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Try the agent call quality survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Service

In order to optimize the agent experience in Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Microsoft has introduced a call quality survey. This survey helps to quickly identify and respond to any issues that may be affecting agents, allowing for a more seamless customer service experience.

By utilizing this survey, which is available within the Dynamics 365 platform, businesses can gain valuable insights into how their agents are performing and what areas need improvement. The survey is designed to be user-friendly and can easily be tailored to fit the specific needs of a business.

To take advantage of this powerful tool and improve the quality of your agent experience, try out the agent call quality survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Service today.

The post Try the agent call quality survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Service appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

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