
Difference between Recurring Goal Roll-up vs other Roll-Up (Entity Field) jobs

Difference between Recurring Goal Roll-up vs other Roll-Up (Entity Field) jobs

If you are running recurring jobs to calculate the rollups and aggregations from child records to parent records, this article explains the difference between recurring Goal Roll-up and other Roll-Up jobs. While traditional methods for running such calculations include console apps, SSIS+KWS or Scribe or any ETL concepts, Power Automate offers options within the Dynamics 365 platform that improve platform performance. The article describes how these system jobs can be configured to run at regular intervals in the background for the Goals or Rollup fields of the entity. Although they may not be in real-time, users can opt to calculate them in real-time through an on-demand button click. The article also elaborates on how to modify the schedule or the recurring pattern of these jobs using SDK calls. Users can force the update of a single rollup field in an entity record by pressing the "Recalculate" ribbon button. Additionally, the article includes links to resources that explain the process in detail.

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Arun Vinoth @ Dynamics
Arun Vinoth @ Dynamics

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