
Working web api endpoint & payload for RetrieveEntityRibbon CRM function

Working web api endpoint & payload for RetrieveEntityRibbon CRM function

If you have ever faced issues working with the CRM web API to get the proper endpoint and payload, you are not alone. The documentation can be lacking, and using the CRM REST builder doesn't always give you the desired endpoint. However, there is a solution!

One community member faced this issue and sought help on a Stack Overflow post. The post was related to the function RetrieveEntityRibbon in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement. The documentation for this function did not provide a code sample, so through trial and error, the web API endpoint necessary for the function to work was figured out.

If you are also facing a similar issue, you can use the following web API endpoint:


Don't let issues with the CRM web API hold you back. Happy learning!

Source: Arun DynaMix blog

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Arun Vinoth @ Dynamics
Arun Vinoth @ Dynamics

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