
Suppress Duplicate Detection with Qualify Lead action is different from other WEB API

Suppress Duplicate Detection with Qualify Lead action is different from other WEB API

In this blog post, you'll discover a key difference between suppressing duplicate detection in the QualifyLead action compared to using the SDK or web API. Previously, to bypass duplicate detection rules, you could use the "MSCRM.SuppressDuplicateDetection" header in a request with a value of "true". However, when qualifying a lead, it's necessary to include "SuppressDuplicateDetection" in the request body instead of the header.

The author provides a sample API request in the article for clarity. They also note that "SuppressDuplicateDetection" must be set to true, and that the "typeName" and "structuralProperty" properties should be set to "Edm.Boolean" and 1, respectively.

The blog post was inspired by a question posted on Stack Overflow, and the author's insights are relevant for novices and pros alike. So, whether you want to expand your knowledge or need a quick reminder, this entry is a quick and informative read.

The post Suppress Duplicate Detection with Qualify Lead action is different from other WEB API by Arundynamix originally appeared on Arundynamix Blog.

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Arun Vinoth @ Dynamics
Arun Vinoth @ Dynamics

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