
Microsoft Teams: Front Row AI (artificial intelligence) enhancements for Teams Rooms on Windows

Microsoft Teams: Front Row AI (artificial intelligence) enhancements for Teams Rooms on Windows

Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows has released its new update, version 4.18, with AI-enhanced features that provide an enhanced front row experience for remote meeting participants. Among the enhancements, the front row gallery has been improved with video segmentation and a unified background. AI removes individual backgrounds, adjusts video participant size, and applies a unified background for remote participants to make them appear as if they are in the same room, ultimately eliminating distractions. Devices with lower processing capability will optimize for audio and video quality and will not enable this feature. Additionally, spatial audio has been introduced for the front row experience when connected to stereo speakers. The intelligent audio technology uses spatial control to deliver a more natural and immersive experience by playing audio from a channel closer to the physical location of remote participants. Room admins will have control over this feature and can enable or disable it via XML. End-users will also have control over the layout switcher during a Teams meeting to provide them with a continuous better user experience. All details and relevant documentation are provided in the release notes for Teams Rooms on Windows 4.18.

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by João Ferreira

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