
{How to} Microsoft Teams Integrate with Dynamics 365 Customer Service across different Microsoft Tenants

{How to} Microsoft Teams Integrate  with Dynamics 365 Customer Service across different Microsoft Tenants

If you're looking for a guide on integrating Microsoft Teams with Dynamics 365 Customer Service across different Microsoft Tenants, you're in the right place. This post by Malla Reddy Gurram, aka @UK365GUY, outlines the steps to achieve this integration in a concise and easy-to-understand manner.

The first step is to ensure that guest access is enabled in the Teams settings of both tenants, and to then add users from the external tenant as guests in Teams channels. Following this, it's important to configure app permissions for the external tenant in Dynamics 365, using the Application User concept to allow cross-tenant access. Finally, you should set up chat, calls, and meetings between users in different tenants and be sure to test the integration thoroughly.

It's worth keeping security and governance best practices in mind when working across tenants. With the steps outlined in this post, you'll be able to seamlessly integrate Microsoft Teams with Dynamics 365 Customer Service across different tenants.

So if you're interested in integrating these two tools, be sure to read this helpful guide by Malla Reddy Gurram.

Post by: Malla Reddy Gurram (@UK365GUY)

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