Microsoft Teams: Voicemail recorded custom greetings | migration update

Microsoft Teams is migrating recorded custom greetings for voicemail to a new storage location, and 99.94% of customers' custom greetings have already been successfully migrated. For the remaining 0.06% of users who haven't received any voicemail in over six months, default greetings will be played instead of any custom recorded greetings starting from May 2024, but users who want to ensure their custom recorded greeting is migrated can still do so in March and April 2024. It's essential to note that custom greetings entered by text will not be affected by this migration. Microsoft is committed to protecting users' data, and this migration is part of that commitment. The rollout of default greetings will begin in early May 2024, and it's expected to be completed by early June 2024. Users don't need to take any action, but if they are among the 0.06% who haven't received any voicemail in over six months and want to migrate their custom recorded greeting, they can do so in March and April 2024 by selecting the "Record a Greeting" button in the "Configure Voicemail" section of the "Calls" settings in Microsoft Teams.
For more information on managing cloud voicemail settings, users can visit the Microsoft Teams Learn page. The post Microsoft Teams: Voicemail recorded custom greetings | migration update appeared first on M365 Admin.
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