Azure Purview Blog articles

Azure Purview Blog articles

Azure Purview Blog articles

Setting data access permission using Azure Purview’s Data Policy Feature


Setting data access permission using Azure Purview’s Data Policy Feature

We recently launched Azure Purview Data Policy features into public preview. The policy author and data source admin can set data access permission on storage accounts for ADLS Gen 2 and blob at the file, folder, container, or storage account level. Also, an entire subscription or resource group can be brought under the policy governance of Azure Purview using the Data Policy features.


The first two blogs below summarize how to access data when file or folder level access is granted to a data consumer. The final blog covers how an entire subscription or resource group can be brought under the policy governance of Azure Purview. These capabilities streamline and reduce the administrative effort required to manage various data resources within a subscription.




Data Policy features within Azure Purview ensure that data consumers only have adequate permission to perform their day-to-day tasks. These features also secure the data perimeter and reduce the administrative overhead by bringing subscription and resource groups under Azure Purview’s data policy management remit. It is easy to get started with the new Data Policy features within Azure Purview. You can get started by going through our documentation here and demo video here.

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