
Microsoft 365 compliance center: Microsoft Purview | Communication Compliance Support for adaptive policy scopes

Microsoft 365 compliance center: Microsoft Purview | Communication Compliance Support for adaptive policy scopes

Microsoft's Purview Communication Compliance feature offers organizations the ability to prevent regulatory compliance violations, such as inappropriate sharing of sensitive or confidential information, via adaptive policy scopes. Adaptive policy scopes allow organizations to establish user scopes based on criteria like geography, groups, or other Azure Active Directory attributes, automatically updating policies to include users who meet predefined risk criteria. Communication Compliance facilitates the creation of internal policies tailored to an organization's specific governance, needs, and requirements. Its privacy-by-design functionalities include pseudonymized usernames, built-in role-based access controls, administrator-approved investigator access, and audit logs to safeguard user-level privacy. This general availability release debuted in March CY2023 after a preview in November CY2022, running on a worldwide web cloud instance in the Standard Multi-Tenant platform.

The post Microsoft 365 compliance center: Microsoft Purview | Communication Compliance Support for adaptive policy scopes originally appeared on M365 Admin.

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by João Ferreira

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