
Update to the latest Company Portal for all platforms

Update to the latest Company Portal for all platforms

Attention all users of Company Portal! To maintain access to the app, all users must update to the specified minimum app version for their platform by July 10, 2024. Most users will receive automatic updates, but others must update manually. Classic Conditional Access policies require migration, so users should be notified to prepare. Here are the minimum versions required for each platform:

  • Windows Company Portal: version
  • Android Company Portal: version 5.0.5750.0
  • Intune app for Android Enterprise: version 23.5.3
  • Intune app for Android Open Source Project: version 21.12.5
  • iOS Company Portal: version 5.2311.1
  • macOS Company Portal: version 5.2401.2

Note that users with classic Conditional Access policies will need to migrate them. For more details, read the blog Support tip: Migrate your classic Conditional Access policies. The minimum app version requirement is part of a planned Intune Company Portal infrastructure update, and failure to meet it will mean losing access to the app. Most users will be able to continue using the app without issue, but others will need to manually update in order to avoid losing access to resources. iOS users who have enabled the ‘Block installing apps using App Store’ device restriction setting may need to push an update manually to their devices.

To avoid losing access, users should update to the latest Company Portal version before July 10, 2024, and users should be notified accordingly. For more information and guidance on updating the Company Portal app, please refer to the post Update to the latest Company Portal for all platforms.

The post Update to the latest Company Portal for all platforms was published on M365 Admin.

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M365 Admin

by João Ferreira

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