Arun Vinoth @ Dynamics

Arun Vinoth @ Dynamics

Difference between Recurring Goal Roll-up vs other Roll-Up (Entity Field) jobs


Difference between Recurring Goal Roll-up vs other Roll-Up (Entity Field) jobs

There are situations when recurring jobs has to run, and calculate the rollups/aggregations from child records like count, sum, etc to the parent record. Before Power Automate days we used to have a Task scheduler to run a console app or some SSIS+KWS or Scribe or any ETL concepts.

By OOB, some concepts like Goals or Rollup field type in entity will give option within the Dynamics 365 platform itself. System jobs will be configured to run in regular intervals to calculate them in background without bothering the platform performance.

This won't be real time, but in case of needed data in real time for a particular single record - users will be given an option to force calculate by on-demand button click.

What if we have to change the schedule or recurring pattern to the closest allowed range. Can we force them using some SDK calls. Yes and Yes.

How to force update a single rollup field in an entity record: Press the "Recalculate" button

How to change the recurring pattern: Find out the exact entity system job and modify it

How to change the recurring pattern of Goals job: From system settings - Goals tab

Unfortunately we cannot reduce below 24 hours.

How to force update a single rollup field in an entity record: Press the "Recalculate" ribbon button

Just read about this cool trick (I have not tried though) to modify the recurrence using SDK. Enjoy!

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