
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service: Latest podcast episodes

Explore a wealth of knowledge and insights in customer service excellence with our curated collection of blogs dedicated to Microsoft Customer Service. Stay informed about the latest trends, best practices, and expert advice to enhance your customer support strategies and drive satisfaction.

Generative AI powered by your SQL data

See how you can use your SQL data as a robust backend for AI applications with semantic search and retrieval augmented generation. Azure SQL D...

1 month ago

Episode 498 - Quantum Update

We get an update on the fascinating topic of Quantum Computing on Azure from Cloud Solutions Architect and Quantum enthusiast Delbert Murphy. ...

2 months ago

Episode 488- Express Route Monitoring

In this episode of the Azure Podcast, Jose Moreno talks with Sujit and Russell about networking, specifically focusing on the configuration an...

6 months ago

Build your own copilots with Azure AI Studio

Build, test, deploy, and monitor your generative AI apps at scale from one place with Azure AI Studio. Access models in the Azure OpenAI servi...

9 months ago

Content Design for SharePoint Syntex with Tom Resing

Tom Resing joins Paul at SPFest in Chicago to talk about his work as a Content Designer on SharePoint Syntex. Microsoft News Microsoft Graph ....

3 years ago
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