How the “Regarding” field works in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and the process for adding a custom entity to the “Regarding” lookup field.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is a powerful tool that allows you to associate records with other entities through the use of the "Regarding" field. This feature is commonly used to link activities like appointments, emails, and tasks to specific records. By setting the "Regarding" field, you establish a relationship between the activity record and other entities.
If you want to add a custom entity to the "Regarding" lookup field, this tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to help you through the process. Understanding how the "Regarding" field works and how to customize it can help you make the most of Dynamics 365 CRM and tailor it to your specific needs.
Whether you're a Dynamics 365 CRM newbie or a seasoned expert, this tutorial is a valuable resource, providing you with the knowledge and tools needed to take your work to the next level.
The post How the “Regarding” field works in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and the process for adding a custom entity to the “Regarding” lookup field. originally appeared on Tech Masala.
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