
PostgreSQL for your AI app's backend | Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server

PostgreSQL for your AI app's backend | Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server

If you are searching for a reliable backend framework for your AI application, consider PostgreSQL, a robust open-source, object-relational database system. This YouTube video walks you through the benefits of using PostgreSQL as the backend for your AI application and highlights the features of Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server to further enhance your backend capabilities.

The video discusses various aspects related to PostgreSQL, including its support for SQL language, JSON format, extensibility, and querying support, which makes it an ideal choice for sophisticated AI applications. Furthermore, Azure’s Flexible Server offers automated management and monitoring, seamless scaling options, and a flexible billing model. Using Azure for PostgreSQL enables developers to focus on developing their applications instead of managing servers.

This insightful video is an excellent resource for developers looking to build a robust backend for their AI application using PostgreSQL with Azure support.

The link to the video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlUX4FlHX20

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