
Announcing General Availability of Change Data Capture (CDC) on Azure SQL Database

Announcing General Availability of Change Data Capture (CDC) on Azure SQL Database

Azure SQL Database users, rejoice! Change data capture (CDC) is now generally available on the platform, offering you insight into your user table's historical changes. With CDC, you can track both the changes made and the specific data that was updated, deleted, or inserted.

Whether you're looking to improve your auditing process, drive insights or detect fraudulent activity, CDC is a powerful tool in your analytics arsenal. So why not take advantage of the new GA on Azure SQL Database and see how CDC can help you gain a better understanding of your data?

To learn more about CDC and how it can benefit your business, check out the official announcement on the Azure SQL Database Devs' Corner.

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Azure SQL Devs’ Corner
Azure SQL Devs’ Corner

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