
Episode 412 - Azure Database for Postgres

Episode 412 - Azure Database for Postgres

In this episode, the team interviews Prabhat Tripathi and Sunil Agarwal to discuss Azure Database for Postgres and its Flexible Server SKU which recently became generally available. Through this podcast, you'll get a glimpse of how this service works and how it can benefit your database needs. Alongside this discussion, you'll also get comparisons, resources, and updates to Microsoft's Azure services.

Whether you're looking to learn more about Azure Database for Postgres, keeping up with the latest Azure updates, or are simply interested in keeping in the loop with the latest in database management, this podcast has something for you. So why not give it a listen and take the next step towards growing your knowledge and expertise?

The link to the podcast episode can be found here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0AbDLQfAR0QdZheYqJfHL2

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