
Check Parent Entity Name From Child entity form D365 CE

Check Parent Entity Name From Child entity form D365 CE

If you are working with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and need to validate a child entity form based on the parent entity, this tutorial can help. The requirement is to validate the name of the parent entity in the child entity quick create form using JavaScript. In this scenario, the aim is to display an error when a user tries to create a contact record from the subgrid under the account.

To achieve this, the tutorial outlines the necessary steps and code snippets for implementing the validation logic. With the help of JavaScript, you can check the name of the parent entity for the child entity and display a custom error message to the user if necessary.

If you are a Dynamics 365 developer or an individual dealing with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, this tutorial can be quite useful. It provides step-by-step guidance on how to validate a child entity form based on the parent entity using JavaScript.

So if you need to add a validation on the child entity form based on the parent entity, check out this tutorial to get started!

Visit https://himbap.com/blog/?p=4475 for more details.

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