
Turn on failed or You need a Microsoft Dynamics 365 license to continue error while trying to Activate a Workflow – Dynamics 365 / Dataverse

Turn on failed or You need a Microsoft Dynamics 365 license to continue error while trying to Activate a Workflow – Dynamics 365 / Dataverse

If you're encountering the "Turn on failed" or "You need a Microsoft Dynamics 365 license to continue" error while trying to activate a workflow on Dynamics 365/Dataverse, this post has the solution you need. The error reads: "The user with SystemUserId=f02934fa-483e-eb11-bf70-000d3a795b83 in OrganizationContext=37c5705b-a88f-4f40-b654-7bab4d5c1f95 is not licensed. Please contact your system administrator to add license to this user for the action to succeed. SystemUserAccessMode=0 is not either of (NonInteractive=4, SetupUser=1). User IsDisabled=True, IsLicensed=False. ImpersonatingSystemUserId=a18194b7-9fe2-47b8-84a9-d87c65dc9dfd."

If you're facing this issue, the post suggests reaching out to your system administrator to add a license for the user in the error message. The issue might be caused by the user not having the appropriate access mode (it should be either NonInteractive or SetupUser), or because the user is disabled or not licensed. This post includes a detailed solution to overcome this issue and successfully activate your workflows.

To learn more, check out the full post at the following link:

Continue reading "Turn on failed or You need a Microsoft Dynamics 365 license to continue error while trying to Activate a Workflow – Dynamics 365 / Dataverse"

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