
The Curious Case of the Missing Application User View (Dynamics 365 / Microsoft Dataverse)

The Curious Case of the Missing Application User View (Dynamics 365 / Microsoft Dataverse)

If you've been working with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement / Microsoft Dataverse Application Users, this post may provide useful information. The classic interface process of setting them up involved navigating to the Application Users view, selecting to create a new record and populating the form with crucial details such as the Application (Client) ID taken from the Application Registration in Azure, but this view has recently been removed from the classic interface. A new way of creating and managing these is now available via the Power Platform Admin Center. This new experience simplifies the process by automatically returning a list of all applicable Application Registrations that you have access to on the Azure side. However, it may be frustrating that there hasn't been much fanfare around this change nor been mentioned in the 2022 release wave 1 plan. Nonetheless this constitutes a change we can welcome. The post provides further details on the changes and a helpful guide on how to navigate the new process.

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