
Customize OOB Subgrid to show records based on dynamic filter criteria

Customize OOB Subgrid to show records based on dynamic filter criteria

This post discusses how to customize Out of the Box (OOB) subgrid to display records based on dynamic filter criteria. By default, subgrids display all the related records for a particular entity. However, you may want to display only specific records that meet certain criteria. This is where dynamic filtering comes into play. By setting up dynamic filters, you can ensure that the subgrid only displays the records you want, making it more useful for your needs.

The post goes into detail on how to set up dynamic filtering of subgrids, providing a step-by-step guide to follow. This includes creating a new view with the necessary filters, modifying the subgrid's settings to use the new view, and testing the subgrid to ensure that it displays the expected records. The post also includes images to help illustrate the process, making it easier to follow along.

If you're looking to customize subgrids in Dynamics 365 and want to learn more about dynamic filtering, this post is a great starting point. By following the steps provided, you can customize subgrids to display only the records you need, making them more useful for your specific business requirements.

Check out the full post at https://crm365skill.blogspot.com/2023/04/customize-oob-subgrid-to-show-records.html.

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