
Azure Custom Policy- PostgreSQL Product - Compliance Report not Available- New Feature Request

Azure Custom Policy- PostgreSQL Product - Compliance Report not Available- New Feature Request

If you're attempting to create custom policies for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL at the subscription level and are running into issues where compliance reports show "no resources found," this tutorial can help you troubleshoot the problem. Despite deploying resources under the same subscription, compliance reports may still not recognize them - a common occurrence that can be frustrating to deal with.

According to this tutorial, the issue is due to the resource provider, Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL, lacking a read operation for the resource type Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2, which prevents policy from being able to read the resource and generate compliance reports. Custom policies are assigned at subscription level, and thus not being able to reach resources means any assigned policies will not work properly.

Currently, the requested read operation is not supported by the provider, and will be implemented in the future by the PG Team. Once it becomes available, compliance reports will be able to show resources under custom policy, and it will work properly, until then it is recommended to wait for this feature.

For now, the only supported operations are for Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2. Adopting the troubleshooting techniques featured in this tutorial should help you achieve better results when attempting to implement custom policies for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, bringing you one step closer to achieving compliance.

The detailed steps and images provided in the tutorial convey the service-specific knowledge about the PostgreSQL product that a subscriber might require, making it an invaluable resource for anyone who has encountered a similar issue.

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