
Plugin Execution on DEACTIVATE/ACTIVATE the entity record in CRM

Plugin Execution on DEACTIVATE/ACTIVATE the entity record in CRM

If you're seeking a solution to plugin execution when an entity record is deactivated or activated in CRM, you're in luck. This post explores just that, detailing the steps required to enable plugin execution on these crucial events.

The instructions provided in this post are detailed and easy to follow, addressing the nuances of plugin execution in CRM. Whether you're a seasoned CRM developer or dipping your toes into plugin development, the tips presented will come in handy as you explore the nuances of plugin execution in CRM.

So if you're looking to streamline your plugin execution when entity records are deactivated or activated, this post provides a handy roadmap to follow.

Link to the original post: https://dilipkumarsinha.blogspot.com/2016/04/plugin-execution-on-deactivateactivate.html

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Sinha MS dynamics crm
Sinha MS dynamics crm

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