How-To #6: Display Multi-Select Choices in Power Apps Label

In this tutorial by Fausto Capellan, Jr, you'll learn how to display multi-select choices in Power Apps Label. The tutorial is geared towards those working on an app to display items from a SharePoint list in a gallery, with two columns: Title and Grade. The Title column is a single line of text while the Grade column is a choice column that allows multiple selections.
The tutorial walks you through the process step by step, explaining how to use a label to display the selected Grade values using concatenation and the ForAll function. It also addresses some common issues that may arise, such as duplicate values, and offers a clear and concise solution to help you avoid these pitfalls.
So whether you're a newcomer to Power Apps or a seasoned veteran, this tutorial is a valuable resource that can help you master the art of displaying multi-select choices in Power Apps Label.
The original post can be found on the Fausto Capellan, Jr blog.
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