
I asked Bing AI to help me write a business case and here's what happened...

Check out this video where the YouTuber asked Bing AI to help write a business case, and the result was quite surprising. The video delves into an experiment to test how well AI can assist in writing a business case.

Throughout the video, you'll see the presenter interacting with the Bing AI, asking it to write different parts of the business case, and evaluating its responses. While the AI does provide some useful input, it doesn't quite live up to expectations, and the presenter ends up having to do a lot of the work manually.

This video is an interesting exploration of the capabilities of AI, particularly in the field of business writing. It highlights the potential for AI to augment the writing process, but also the limitations of current technology. Check it out if you're curious about the intersection of AI and business writing.

Here's the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihHc_ucFhfQ

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Lisa Crosbie
Lisa Crosbie

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