Working with lookups in Dynamics 365 can provide you with many possibilities to filter the records displayed in the lookup. While you can use the out-of-the-box related records filtering in the lookup field properties, this might not be sufficient in some scenarios. Therefore, in such cases, writing JavaScript code is mandatory to achieve what you want, which is the topic of this post. In this tutorial, you will learn how to filter a lookup field in Dynamics 365 based on a condition using the addPreSearch and addCustomFilter functions.
The post outlines the process step-by-step, detailing how to create a fetch XML with a filter, use the account category as a condition to filter the list of available accounts in the parent account lookup, add the addPreSearch function on form load, and then use the addCustomFilter function to filter the lookup based on the condition you set. The post also provides sample JavaScript code to make the process clear.
By following the steps mentioned in the tutorial, you will be able to filter a lookup field in Dynamics 365 based on a condition using JavaScript effectively. You can go ahead and apply the addPreSearch and addCustomFilter functions to your Dynamics 365 application according to your specific requirements.
Hope this helps!
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