Luise Freese: Consultant & MVP

Luise Freese: Consultant & MVP

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How to build a Power Apps Likert component


How to build a Power Apps Likert component


Power Apps components allow makers to reuse fragments and patterns of their work to ensure design consistency and developer productivity. This Likert component showcases also custom properties and is an alternative way to gather data from users.

What are components and why would you want them?

Makers can create reusable building blocks and save them as components to either use them in a specific app or to use them across apps with a component library. Benefits of creating components:

  • build once, use repeatedly - no need to reinvent the wheel over and over again
  • if a component needs to be updated, it is updated once which will be reflected in all instances that are used inside of an app
  • design consistency
  • enhanced user experience due to standardization
  • increased developer velocity
  • improved productivity

Creating components is an investment into better performing, good looking, easy debuggable and maintainable apps. It’s true, that the initial effort of building them is a bit higher than using regular controls (when only used one time), but the more a component is used and the more complex an app gets, the better is the return on investment of creating components.

Likert component: result

To give you an idea how the likert component looks like, you can watch it here in action

gif showing the Likert component in action

Nice thing about it: It is already working in three different themes (default, dark, high contrast) and the design matches Microsoft Teams. To make this happen, we need to adjust the OnStart property of our app to this code:

Param("theme") = "dark" Or drp_dropdown.SelectedText.Value = "dark"
Param("theme") = "contrast" Or drp_dropdown.SelectedText.Value = "high contrast"
// Fluent Design Colors
HighContrastDisabled: ColorValue("#2EF149"),
HighContrastHyperlinks: ColorValue("#FFFD39"),
HighContrastSelectedBackground: ColorValue("#00EBFD"),
HighContrastSelectedText: ColorValue("#000000"),
NeutralWebGray30: ColorValue("#EDEBE9"),
OverlayTransparent: RGBA(0,0,0 0),
TeamsDarkTint10: ColorValue("#6264A7"),
TeamsDefaultPrimary: ColorValue("#6264A7")

Build the component

  1. Create a new canvas component and add
  • a slider control
  • a gallery with
    • a textlabel
    • an icon

likert component overview

  1. Create custom properties:

custom properties

  • SliderStyles as Record, add this code:

which references the colors of the slider control to the ones that we set in OnStart of the app and sets the default value to 3.

  • GalleryStyles as Record, add this code:
{Color: gblAppStyles.Label.Color}

which references the colors of textlabel and icon

  • LikertContent as Table, add this code:
Id: 1,
Body: "Strongly Disagree",
Icon: Icon.EmojiFrown
Id: 2,
Body: "Disagree",
Icon: Icon.EmojiSad
Id: 3,
Body: "Neutral",
Icon: Icon.EmojiNeutral
Id: 4,
Body: "Agree",
Icon: Icon.EmojiSmile
Id: 5,
Body: "Strongly Agree",
Icon: Icon.EmojiHappy

which populates our gallery with an id (serves also as rating), the text to be displayed in the label and the icon to be displayed.

  • OnChange Behavior as Text, add one parameter Rating as Number. When we later ad an instance of our component to an app, we will call this function and update it to pass the current value from the slider.
  1. Work on the Slider
  • Set the Default property to cmp_Likert.SliderStyles.Default
  • Set the OnChange property to cmp_Likert.OnChange(sli_Rating.Value)
  1. Work on the Gallery
  • Set the Items property to cmp_Likert.LikertContent
  • Set the Icon property of the icon to ThisItem.Icon
  • Set the Text property of the textlabel to ThisItem.Body
  • Set the Height and Width properties of the icon to If(sli_Rating.Value= ThisItem.Id, 30, 20)
  • Set the Size property of the textlabel to If(sli_Rating.Value= ThisItem.Id, 11, 9)
  • Set the FontWeight property of the textlabel to If(sli_Rating.Value= ThisItem.Id, Bold, Normal)
  • Set the Color property of the icon to If(sli_Rating.Value= ThisItem.Id, cmp_Likert.SliderStyles.HandleActiveFill, cmp_Likert.GalleryStyles.Color)

Add the component to your app

Now that our component is complete

  • Add it to the app
  • Set the OnChange property to Set(gbl_likeValue, Rating)

What happens now is, that when you move the slider, the current value label and emoji are emphasized and a we store the current value in a variable.

Feedback & What’s next

I am curios - where would you use such a component? Can it replace rating DataCards? Which enhancement would you like to see? Tell me on twitter. If you found this blog post useful, please also subscribe to my newsletter - news coming about every 2 months, I promise to not spam you!

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