


If you're looking to add an alert dialog to your Dynamics 365 application using JavaScript, this post has got you covered. In this tutorial, the properties of alert dialogs and how to set them are discussed. Alert dialogs display messages and options in a compact dialog and contain properties such as confirmButtonLabel, title, and text. Additionally, alert options for the height and width of the dialog are also discussed. This post provides a code sample that can be used to display an alert dialog.

If you're interested in using alert dialogs in your Dynamics 365 application, this post is the perfect starting point. By leveraging the code sample provided, you can easily add alert dialogs in your application and customize them to suit your needs.

Alert Dialog

Overall, this tutorial on alert dialogs in Dynamics 365 is a valuable resource for developers looking to create rich and interactive applications tailored to their unique needs.

The original post can be found at https://charlesabikhirs.blogspot.com/2022/05/alert-dialog-in-dynamics-365-javascript.html.

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