Microsoft Dynamics 365 Interview Questions and Answers 2024 Update

1. What is Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations?
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based business platform developed by Microsoft, which is designed as a cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) by Microsoft on the Azure Platform. The browser-based Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations replaces the previous version on-premise version Dynamics AX.
The responsibility of a Dynamics 365 Developer is to develop new modules or customize the existing modules. As Dynamics 365 is a high customization system, a developer with significant knowledge in D365 development can deliver high-quality solutions.
The minimum Software requirements for Dynamics 365 Server is, It can be hosted locally or can use the Microsoft cloud platform, Microsoft Azure. A minimum of 16 GB of RAM and 2 CPU Cores are required, more RAM and CPU cores increase the speed of compilation. This is the basic requirement for running a Dynamics 365 application.
The Three Tier Architectures of the Dynamics 365 process are, From the client environment (normally a Browser) request is sent to the AOS server. AOS server stands for Application Object Server will process this request. So all requests and responses are processed from the AOS environment. If required, this AOS is communicated with the Database server, and finally processed response is sent back to the client. This is the normal Three tier architecture followed by D365.
2. What is a form in D365 FO?
Forms in d365 fo provide the user interface that people use to interact with the data they need to do their work. It is important that the forms people use are designed to allow them to find or enter the information they need quickly.
3. What is a Model in D365 FO?
As we know, the complete D365 Finance and Operation developments are based on these four terminologies Package, Model, Project, and Element. So as a developer you need to know processes how to create a model, how to update a model, and how to delete a model.
Creating a model is a mandatory thing for any sort of customization in Dynamics 365. A model is a design-time concept. A particular model can contain multiple Visual Studio projects. Therefore you can say that a model is a collection of projects and a single project can have all or subset of elements from originating model. However, an association of a project is only with a single model. It is basically a unit of development/customization. Metadata for models is stored locally on an XML file called a descriptor XML.
4. What are the different types of Tables used in D365 FO?
1. Regular
Regular tables are normal standard physical tables in the SQL server database.
2. TempDB
TempDB tables are the physical temporary tables held in the SQL server database.
3. InMemory
InMemory tables are temporary tables that are held in the memory and written to a local disc after reaching a certain limit of the system, especially in the Application Object Server (AOS).
5. What is the concept of extension in D365?
An extension is a way to add functionality to an object in D365FO without modifying the base code of that object. Your extensions are compiled into their own DLLs, which are separate from the D365 base system libraries. It also makes it easier for Microsoft to patch its SYS layer code. Microsoft has added to allow customization without allowing the base code to be changed because they plan to not allow any overlaying of SYS layer code.
6. What are OOPS concepts?
The main concepts of OOPS used in D365 FO are:
- Class and Objects
- Data Abstraction: Showing only the essential information and hiding background details.
- Encapsulation: Wrapping of data member and method to a single unit.
- Inheritance:-The Flowing of property of the parent class to the child class.
- Polymorphism:-The property of using the same method again to perform different things.
7. What is AOT in D365FO?
The Application Object Tree (AOT) is a tree view of all the application objects in Microsoft Dynamics D365FO. The AOT contains every object you need to customize the look and functionality of a Dynamics D365FO application.
8. Difference Between TempDB and InMemory Tables?
- TempDB temporary tables are faster than InMemory Temporary Tables.
- TempDB temporary tables are maintained in the SQL Server database.
- TempDB temporary tables support more features than standard physical tables.
- TempDB temporary tables support More powerful joins with physical tables are possible.
- InMemory temporary tables are instantiated in the active memory of the tier the process is running on.
- The process can run on the client tier or the server tier.
- The objects are held InMemory until the size reaches 128 KB.
- The dataset is then written to a disk file on the server tier.
- You can use InMemory temporary tables when the amount of data is small and Microsoft SQL Server round trips should be avoided.
- Both InMemory and TempDb tables can be used as data sources on forms.
9. What is the Chain Of Command (CoC) in D365
Chain of Command (CoC) is the term that describes how we customize or extend, the base Microsoft code in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Microsoft’s base objects and code cannot be changed directly in D365. However, we are able to make changes to separate objects and classes that are then combined with the existing base object to form the final version.
Basic Syntax :
[ExtensionOf(classStr(CustTable))] public final class CustTable_Extension { public display str doSomething(int arg) { // Part 1 var s = next doSomething(arg + 4); // Part 2 return s; } }
10. Why Microsoft implemented CoC?
In the previous versions 2012 and before a programmer can change the Base Microsoft's source code directly from the developing environment. Microsoft identified the problem and from the next version, Microsoft re-architected the code and made it that Base Microsoft's source code and Objects cannot changed directly in D365.
Microsoft releases new features and hot fixes as a part of product improvement. In this cases the new code should be merged with customized code, depending on the depth of the customization the complexity of the merging process will increase. So Microsoft found this difficulty and removed the feature. This benefits the users to update the hot fixes and feature updated of the product from Microsoft very fast, secure and safer than ever could before.
11. What are Delete Actions in D365?
Normally a delete action comes in to picture when a user is trying to delete a database record. Delete actions are used to maintain the data integrity and consistency of the database. At the time of development, a developer has to take care of the delete actions to implement in the project. Actually, a delete action is performed when related tables are existing in the project, and deleting records from any table has to be restricted to keep the database consistent.
In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations, there are four types of Delete Actions.
- None.
- Cascade.
- Restricted.
- Cascade + Restricted
12. What are EDT and Base Enum?
EDT stands for Extended Data Type and Base Enumerations (Enums) are data types that are created and managed in the development environment. Extended data types can be primitive data types like integers, strings, real numbers, and so on. EDT extends the original properties of the data type from which they inherit in addition some extra properties are added. To reuse its properties. The properties of many fields can change at one time by changing the properties on the EDT. Relations that can be assigned to an EDT are known as Dynamic relations.EDT relations are Normal and the Related field is fixed. Why not field fixed – field fixed works on only between two tables 1- 1 relation. And Related field fixed works on 1- many tables. so EDT uses a related field fixed.
Examples for EDT: EDT Real, EDT Date, EDT String, etc.
Base enums are a fixed set of values, and integers in the database, which have a name (as referenced from X++ code) and a label (visible to users and translatable into different languages). They cannot be added to in real-time by the application, only by developers, and often with significant overhead, hence how they are fixed. You can have up to 255 values for Base enums. The integers in the database will take on the values 0 through 254.
The Application Object Tree (AOT) in Finance and Operations apps contains many existing EDTs and base enums that can be extended for use in your project, or you can create new data types. This module will focus on creating new data types.
Example for Base Enum: You can add one Base Enum for holding the gender of the employee, you can create a Base Enum and rename it to BEGender and add new elements with names "Male" & "Female" with integer values "0" & "1".
13. What is SSRS Report in D365?
Microsoft Dynamics 365FO users use the SSRS report for business reporting purposes. In Microsoft Dynamics 365 SSRS reporting feature is one of the significant features provided by Microsoft for their users. This SSRS report will help the users to get the right information about the business processes and transactions.
Based on the complexity of the SSRS reports, the development will be divided into two methods,
- Query-Based Approach.
- Data Provider Approach.
14. What are the different types of classes used in the SSRS Report?
A DP (Data Provider) class will provide three data sets for the SSRS report. The same class will also provide information about report parameters to the report’s RDL through an attribute that links a DP class with the corresponding report Data Contract.
A Controller class that will handle the report dialog form, setting the SSRS report design and the value of the hidden parameter.
A Data Contract class that will define and carry the values of the report parameters.
15. What are Table Relations in D365?
A table relation associates two tables that contain related information. Usually, the primary key field of one table appears as a foreign key field of the related table. The table with the primary key is called the parent table. The table with the foreign key is called the child table.
In Microsoft Dynamics 365 there are four types of table relations,
- Normal Relation
- Field Fixed Relation
- Related Field Fixed Relation
- Foreign Key Relation
16. What are the different types of Menu Items available in D365?
Mainly three types of Menu items available In dynamics 365 F&O. They are,
Display Menu Item: Use this type when the menu item will open a form.
Output Menu Item: Use this type when the menu item will opening an SSRS report.
Action Menu Item: Use this type when the menu item will run a batch job. Or some other process, such as run by a class.
17. What is an index in D365 FO?
An index is a table-specific database structure that speeds the retrieval of rows from a table. Indexes are used to improve the performance of data retrieval and occasionally to ensure the existence of unique records.
There are two types of indexes unique and non-unique. Whether an index is unique is defined by the index’s AllowDuplicates property. When this property is set to No, a unique index is created. The database uses the unique index to ensure that no duplicate key values occur. The database prevents you from inserting records with duplicate key values by rejecting the insert.
18. What are display methods?
The display method modifier indicates that the method has a return value that can appear on a form or a report. A display method is any method that includes the display keyword as a method modifier. ... Form methods. Form data source methods.
Display methods will help you to show the data from some other table or hardcoded strings. These are not bound controls and we cannot use a filter or sorting options.
19. What is Surrogate Key in D365?
A surrogate key is a system-generated value that acts as the primary key of a table. This value is typically used instead of a set of fields called the natural key which would typically act as the primary key of a table. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 or D365 uses RecId as the surrogate key.
A surrogate key value has no meaning to people. A large number generated by the system, such as RecId, could be a surrogate key.
20. What is Microsoft LCS?
Lifecycle Services (LCS) for Microsoft Dynamics is a collaboration portal that provides an environment and a set of regularly updated services that can help you manage the application lifecycle of your implementations of the Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps.
21. What are the new features of D365?
Here the answers are based on the comparison with the Microsoft Dynamics AX version.
- Coding & development is done by using Visual Studio IDE. In Microsoft Dynamics AX it was MorphX.
- Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is used for version control.
- D365 is now hosted in Internet Information Service (IIS).
- Life Cycle Services (LCS) is the main tool used to deploy or move projects from one environment to another.
- Power BI can be easily integrated with D365 with simple steps and configuration.
- A Model made mandatory for customization and development.
- Data Entities are used for importing and exporting data, which can be easily created by users.
- The override has been stopped, for any changes you can use extensions.
- A chain of command (CoC) is used for making changes in Microsoft's base code to make a final version.
- Form pattern made mandatory for UI development. You can only choose existing form patterns for UI development.
- You can access D365 only through the browser and there is no need to install the D365 client separately.
- Enhanced integration with Excell and Odata Technologies.
- Hotfixes and updates will be applied.
- New workspace added.
- Good integration with Office 365 Software
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Dynamics AX Interview Questions 2024
Dynamics 365 Interview Questions 2024
dynamics CRM interview questions 2024 Updated.
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