Poor Man’s Paginated Reports in Power BI

In this blog post, you'll discover an alternative way to create paginated reports in Power BI that won't break the bank. Paginated reports have been an important feature of Power BI since 2019, but they can be difficult to learn and require Power BI Premium to use, which can be costly for small businesses or individuals.
Fortunately, as demonstrated in this blog and video, using Excel and Power Query, you can create reports that closely resemble paginated reports without the need for Power BI Premium. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this post, you'll be able to create professional-looking reports that can be printed or exported to PDF without any extra licensing costs.
So if you're looking for an affordable alternative to paginated reports in Power BI, this blog post provides you with a viable option that can help you meet your reporting needs without breaking the bank.
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