
Awesome Solution for Dataverse Browser via Dataverse Browser V1.1.0.1 is available for Dataverse Plugin Debugging

Awesome Solution for Dataverse Browser via Dataverse Browser V1.1.0.1 is available for Dataverse Plugin Debugging

Dataverse Browser V1.1.0.1 is now available for Dataverse plugin debugging, providing an awesome solution for developers. This development is significant as developers can now debug plugins in their preferred browser without switching between different browsers, thereby improving their productivity.

The Dataverse Browser V1.1.0.1 comes with several features such as the ability to search for fields and entities, a customizable command bar, and a user-friendly interface, among others. With these features, developers can easily navigate through the plugin configuration without any hassles. The new version also consolidates the configuration structure, enabling easier access to the plugin configuration.

Overall, this development is a significant boost for developers, reducing the time and effort required for plugin debugging while also providing an enhanced user experience.

If you're a developer interested in working with the Dataverse Browser V1.1.0.1, you can check out the link to learn more about this solution.

Link: http://arunpotti.com/2023/06/24/dataverse-browser-v1-1-0-1-is-available-for-dataverse-plugin-debugging

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