
Power Query Each Expression: An Introduction

Power Query Each Expression: An Introduction

If you're looking to simplify your M code in Power Query, this tutorial is an excellent starting point. Here, you'll learn how to use the each expression in Power Query's M language, allowing you to streamline your data transformation and manipulation tasks. Power Query is a powerful tool for data manipulation available in both Microsoft Excel and Power BI, featuring a wide range of functions for data transformation.

Within this tutorial, you'll discover how the each expression works and how it can be used to simplify the M parameter functions used in standard library functions. You'll also find a video tutorial covering the same content embedded at the bottom of the blog post, providing an additional resource for visual learners.

So whether you're a data analyst, Power BI user, or just someone looking to simplify your code, this tutorial is an essential resource for anyone working with Power Query.

Continue reading Power Query Each Expression: An Introduction at Enterprise DNA.

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