
Cannot See Associated Records Option in Subgrid | Model-Driven App

Cannot See Associated Records Option in Subgrid | Model-Driven App

If you're having trouble finding the "See associated records" option in the subgrid of your Microsoft Power Apps model-driven app, this tutorial is here to help. Specifically, it outlines the steps to follow to resolve the issue of not being able to see the "See associated records" button in a cases subgrid placed within an account form.

The tutorial provides two simple steps that you can follow to resolve this issue. Firstly, you need to click on the "Settings" button. Secondly, you need to click on the ellipsis button marked "..." and select the "See associated records" option from the dropdown menu that appears. Following these steps should resolve the issue and allow you to see the "See associated records" button in the subgrid of your model-driven app.

So, if you're struggling to find this option and need a little help, simply follow these steps and you should be back on track in no time!

The full tutorial can be found at the following link: Model-driven App – Cannot "See associate records" option in the sub grid?

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Arun Potti's MS CRM blog | Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Arun Potti's MS CRM blog | Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

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