
Configure Azure AD B2C Authentication for Power Pages | Power Apps Portals

This video tutorial covers the process of configuring Azure AD B2C Authentication for Power Pages in Power Apps Portals. By leveraging Azure AD B2C, you can add user authentication and authorization features to your Power Pages and ensure secure, managed access to your portals.

The tutorial takes you through the step-by-step process of configuring Azure AD B2C, creating a Custom Policy, and registering an application with Azure. You'll also learn how to update the Power Apps Portal settings and create a custom login page for your users.

By the end of the tutorial, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to set up Azure AD B2C Authentication for Power Pages, allowing you to create secure and personalized experiences for your portal users.

So if you're a Power Apps Portal user looking to add authentication and authorization capabilities to your portals, this tutorial provides everything you need to get started.

The link to the video tutorial is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQFGMH7RrMI

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Dhruvin Shah
Dhruvin Shah

Myself Dhruvin Shah. Professionally I am Power Platform Consultant. On this channel, I’m sharing my knowledge on different Microsoft technologies like ShareP...

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