
Embed Identical Canvas Apps on Multiple Entities of Model-driven App

Embed Identical Canvas Apps on Multiple Entities of Model-driven App

If you're looking to embed identical canvas apps on multiple forms within a model-driven app, this tutorial has you covered. With step-by-step instructions, you'll learn how to do it using an iFrame, without the need for JavaScript.

The tutorial outlines a straightforward process that will help you embed your canvas app onto multiple entities within your model-driven app without the hassle of writing any additional code. The step-by-step guide is easy to follow and offers clear insights into the entire process.

So if you're looking to streamline your app-building process, this tutorial should be a great resource for you. It provides an efficient way to embed identical canvas apps across several forms of your model-driven app, so you can focus on delivering a better user experience.

Follow the instructions in this tutorial to learn how to embed your app successfully and get the most out of your model-driven app.

The post Embed Identical Canvas Apps on Multiple Entities of Model-driven App was originally published on Microsoft Business Applications.

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