
Addressing the Spread of Disinformation

Addressing the Spread of Disinformation

In the Season 5 premiere episode of Afternoon Cyber Tea, Dr. Fiona Hill, a former intelligence officer and expert on Russia, discusses the spread of disinformation and its connection to cybersecurity. She sheds light on how adversaries use technology to undermine U.S. interests at home and abroad and the need to stay aware of their scientific and technical capabilities. Dr. Hill emphasizes the importance of diverse perspectives in addressing cyber threats and the value of role models for young Americans. In addition, she addresses digital threats to women online and the measures that need to be taken to prevent them from controlling social and educational engagement.

The conversation with Ann Johnson delves into the limits that prevent the United States from fully understanding and responding to global issues. Dr. Hill shares insights into how the younger generation's self-belief can benefit society and the country as a whole. The podcast also provides resources for listeners interested in learning more about the topics discussed.

The Afternoon Cyber Tea with Ann Johnson is produced by Microsoft and distributed as part of The CyberWire Network.

Listen to this insightful episode on Spotify to learn from Dr. Fiona Hill and Ann Johnson about disinformation and cybersecurity.

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Afternoon Cyber Tea with Ann Johnson
Afternoon Cyber Tea with Ann Johnson

Ann Johnson, Corporate Vice President, Business Development, Security, Compliance & Identity at Microsoft, talks with cybersecurity thought leaders and influential industry experts about the trends shaping the cyber landscape and what should be top-of-mind for the C-suite and other key decision makers. Ann and her guests explore the risk and promise of tools and systems powered by AI, IoT, machine learning, and other emerging technology, as well as the impact on how humans work, communicate, consume information, and live in this era of digital transformation. Please note, the opinions expressed by guests on this podcast are their own and are not endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect opinions of, Microsoft or Ann Johnson.

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