
Tell Your Code To Debug When You’re Good And Ready!

Tell Your Code To Debug When You’re Good And Ready!

This post provides a solution to a common issue faced while working on the Early Bound Generator in which attaching the debugger to the process becomes a race condition, due to which it is difficult to debug the process effectively without errors. With this solution, the author has streamlined the debugging process to remove the race condition. The post includes a code snippet that waits for the debugger to attach itself to the process to debug the code effectively. The ConfigHelper class is used to look for a given AppSetting in the Config file and wait indefinitely every 3 seconds until the debugger is attached, checking if the "WaitForAttachedDebugger" value is present.

Readers interested in the topic might also want to check out the author's Raise The Bar video series.

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.Net Dust
.Net Dust


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