
Combo Charts in Power BI | Line and Column Chart in Power BI - Visuals with Nags

Combo charts can be incredibly useful for businesses generating reports in Power BI. In this video tutorial by Visuals with Nags, you will explore the world of combo charts and learn how to create a line and column chart in Power BI.

Firstly, you will learn what a combo chart is and in which situations it can be particularly useful. Then you will be shown how you can create a combo chart within Power BI. The tutorial will highlight different chart features and options that can be used to customize the combo chart to suit your specific needs. You’ll learn to create a secondary axis, customize the color and line type of data series, and understand when and how to use a stacked column chart.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll gain a solid understanding of how to create compelling combo charts that neatly showcase the complex relationships between disparate data sets.

Check out this tutorial on Visuals with Nags’s YouTube channel to learn how to create combo charts that will bring your data to life.

The video tutorial can be accessed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU6gPw5kpaw

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