
Getting Additional Fields from Lookup while using Email Template

Getting Additional Fields from Lookup while using Email Template

In this post, we'll explore a scenario where we need to incorporate fields from a related entity and use them in our emails while utilizing email templates for custom entities. In our previous post, we explored the use of email templates for custom entities by retrieving fields from the primary entity. However, in this scenario, we need to retrieve fields from the related entity.

The process requires a meticulous implementation, and this post will guide you step-by-step through it. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have gained the skills to extract the relevant fields and incorporate them seamlessly into your emails via templates.

If you're a keen learner and wish to enhance your skills in customizing email templates, then this tutorial is perfect for you. So, sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let's delve into the process step-by-step!

Check out the original post on the Himbap blog for more information.

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We are committed to deliver successful Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE solutions. We provide gamut of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE and Power Platform services.

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