
[Step by Step] Dataverse | Connect Cloud flow with Service Principal (Application User)

[Step by Step] Dataverse | Connect Cloud flow with Service Principal (Application User)

For those looking to deepen their understanding of Dataverse, this tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to connecting Cloud flow with Service Principal (Application User). By default, Dataverse connectors in Cloud flow are set to run under the Owner context, which means that the user who created the flow is responsible for running said flow. However, as flows start moving into different environments via solutions, connectors will begin running under the user account that imported the solution.

To rectify the issue of running flows under an interactive user account, this tutorial will walk you through how to use Service Principal (Application User) to connect Cloud flow in your Dataverse environment. By connecting Cloud flow with Service Principal, you'll be able to configure the flow to run under a specific account with specific permissions, ensuring the flow is completed under optimal conditions.

So, whether you're new to Dataverse or looking to expand your expertise, this step-by-step guide serves as your entry point towards deeper comprehension of connecting Cloud flow with Service Principal.

Originally posted on Rajeev Pentyala - Microsoft Power Platform.

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