
Model Driven App Advanced Settings – New look

Model Driven App Advanced Settings – New look

If you're a frequent user of Advanced Settings in Model Driven Apps, then it's worth noting that a new look is on the horizon. While currently only available in preview mode in the USA, this updated UI will soon be released globally.

However, this change hasn't come without skepticism. Some users have expressed concern about the loss of Advanced Find and Classic Solution config, which they prefer for their familiarity and functionality. Despite this concern, the new look for Advanced Settings promises to be more user-friendly and intuitive, hopefully making it easier for users to navigate and customize their Model Driven Apps.

As with any major change, it's important to approach it with an open mind and remain adaptable. While it may take some time to get used to the new interface, it ultimately has the potential to improve the overall user experience. So, keep an eye out for the upcoming release of the new Advanced Settings app and give it a chance to prove its worth!

Link to the post: https://crmkeeper.com/2024/05/20/model-driven-app-advanced-settings-new-look/

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CRM Keeper – Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, CRM, Microsoft CRM, Dynamics CRM
CRM Keeper – Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, CRM, Microsoft CRM, Dynamics CRM

Thomas Sandsør from Norway. Been working with Microsoft CRM (yes I still call it CRM) since 2007. I worked about 8 years as a consultant/architect, before I was asked to work for Microsoft building the partner channel for CRM. After 2 years at Microsoft I got the chance to start the CRM branch at Point…

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