
How do you license power automate flows when using them with Power Apps?

How do you license power automate flows when using them with Power Apps?

This article discusses the licensing requirements for using Power Automate flows with Power Apps. The author is grappling with the dilemma of whether to use Power Automate or not, and how to license the flows. Although Power Automate is the better choice for automations, licensing requirements can be confusing, particularly when it comes to ALM (Application Lifecycle Management).

To shed some light on this issue, the article delves into the different licensing options available for Power Automate and Power Apps. It explains the difference between per-user, per-flow, and per-app plans, and how to select the most appropriate for your specific needs. Additionally, it highlights the importance of proper licensing to avoid legal and financial repercussions.

If you're using Power Apps and Power Automate, this article provides essential information on licensing requirements that can help you make informed decisions and stay compliant with licensing regulations.

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