
[Solved] Invalid type Expected Object but got Null error in Power Automate

[Solved] Invalid type Expected Object but got Null error in Power Automate

If you are encountering the "Invalid type: Expected Object but got Null" error while working with the Parse JSON function in Power Automate, fret not, this blog post provides a solution to the issue.

The blog post goes on to explain the problem and how to fix it. The JSON schema defined in the "Parse JSON" action expects that the "alternatedetails" property should receive an object, however, it is currently receiving a null.

By following the instructions in the blog post, you'll be able to quickly resolve the error and ensure that the "Parse JSON" action functions as intended.

So if you're looking for a solution to the "Invalid type: Expected Object but got Null" error in Power Automate, head over to the blog post and get the problem sorted.

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