How to call a Power automate flows from Power Pages portal? Exploring the new integration of cloud flows with Power Pages.

Calling Power Automate flows from Power Pages portal is explored in this blog post. The integration of cloud flows with Power Pages allows for the invocation of Power Automate flows, which traditionally have HTTP triggers, with ease. The blog post provides a step-by-step guide on how to call Power Automate flows from Power Pages portal, even for beginners. The author provides a detailed explanation of the process and includes helpful screenshots to illustrate various steps, making the process easy to follow. If you're looking to make the most of Power Pages and automate flows effectively, this post provides great insights and tips to help you on your way.
The post How to call a Power automate flows from Power Pages portal? Exploring the new integration of cloud flows with Power Pages. originally appeared on Debajit's Power Apps & Dynamics 365 Blog.
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